the confidence you need to move forward with your project.
Southern Ontario
Our Satellite Office Locations include,
- Guelph
- Elora
- Meaford
- Kitchener
Main Contact form on the Contact page

work with and it’s genuine.”
“They get to know the people they work with and it’s genuine. Everywhere they go they leave a piece of themselves behind.”
VP Project Management, GeoVector Management
they meet the issues at hand.”
“They make sure they tailor the solutions around the nature and scope of the project. They’re very good at making sure their solutions are innovative, creative and they meet the issues at hand.”
Managing Principal, SRM Consulting, Ltd.
- Contaminant Remediation
- Risk Management
- Land & Shoreline Stability
- Contaminated Site Assessment
- Water Power
Office: (705) 645-0021, Ext. 101
- Lake & Watershed Management
- Environmental Impact Studies
Office: (705) 645-0021, Ext. 102
- Assimilative Capacity Studies
- Environmental Impact Studies
Office: (519) 576-1711, Ext. 302
- Toxicology
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Indigenous Traditional Knowledge
Office: (519) 576-1711, Ext. 305
- Lake & Watershed Management
- Environmental Impact Studies
- Paleolimnology
Office: (519) 576-1711, Ext. 304
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Invasive Species Management
- Species at Risk/Biodiversity Conservation
Office: (705) 645-0021, Ext. 105
- Environmental Impact Studies
- Lake & Watershed Management
- Species at Risk Assessments
- Project Permitting
Office: (519) 576-1711, Ext. 301
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Lake & Watershed Management
- Peer Review
- Environmental Permits & Approvals
Office: (705) 645-0021, Ext. 108
- Lake & Watershed Management
- Wastewater Assimilation
- Toxicology
Office: (519) 576-1711, Ext. 303
- Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment
- Lake and Watershed Management
- Assimilative Capacity Studies
Office: (705) 645-0021, Ext. 107
- Water Quality Monitoring & Assessment
- Contaminant Hydrogeology
- Wastewater Assessment
Office: (705) 645-0021, Ext. 106
- Water Sampling
- Field Training Programs
Office: (705) 645-0021, Ext. 103
- Office Administration
- Corporate Administration
- Health & Safety Coordination
Office: (705) 645-0021, Ext. 104
- Water Quality
- Peer Review
- Lake & Watershed Management
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Strategic Planning
Cell: (705) 706-0268